Monday, October 31, 2011


Abe was an Ewok (Star Wars character) for Halloween. Carrie made the costume and it turned out awesome. Although this was technically Abe's second Halloween, it was the first time he actually went Trick or Treating and got candy. He was quite fond of the lollipops. (Click to enlarge)

Are you starting to see the pattern here?

Abe and his costume designer.

I'm trying to convince him that 3 lollipops is really more than enough for an Ewok.

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's early October and we were lucky to have an exceptionally warm weekend. We took advantage of the weather and visited Abe's favorite outdoor spots: the playground, the park and ravine. (click to enlarge)...

This is one of my all-time favorite photos...

Abe loves the slide...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Catching up on Summer 2011 photos

Okay, we are way behind on posting photos from this summer. But that's what happens when you're having so much fun. (Click to enlarge)

At the Knox County Fair...

Abe's first hair cut...

At Jeni's Ice Cream...

Downtown Columbus...

This kid is addicted to fresh peaches...

Walhalla Ravine...

Monday, July 18, 2011

First half of Summer 2011

It's been a while since we've posted pictures, so here's a whole batch of new ones. Most are from June and a few from the beginning of July. (Click to enlarge)...

Down the rabbit hole.

Dignan tells Abe a secret joke.

A frosty treat with Elisabeth at the lake.

Fourth of July.

Umm, more treats at the lake.

Painting on a rainy day.

Listening to music downtown.

Working on his moves (The Stanky Leg)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stripey Beast!



and half crazy.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day weekend

We spent Memorial Day weekend at Apple Valley with the extended family. It was a boiler so Abe spent most of his time outside in the hippo pool or the tiny tent. Click photos to enlarge.

Hot wheels...

Shark toof

In the hippo pool with water...

...and without.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Southern Invasion 2011

Our annual vacation to Charleston, SC resumed this year and it was Abe's first trip...
(Click on photos to enlarge)

Here comes the son.

At a great park on the water in Charleston.

Abe's private swimming pool.

Big boy.

He loved playing in the sand...

...and in the tide pools.

At the spot where Mama and Papa were married 6 years ago
