Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello Abe, goodbye sleep

Abe is sleeping, I am not.

Well, we have survived our first week as a family. Mama and me don't really sleep anymore, but Abe is sleeping enough for the both of us combined. He had his first doctor's check-up today and seems to be quite the healthy young lad.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Abraham Joseph Hinkle is here!

Mama during labor.

Proud Papa, moments after deliery.

Sideburns and muscles!

Rocking the hat his Mama made.

The long wait is finally over and our wonderful son has arrived. He was born on Thursday, January 21 at 2:40 PM. He weighted 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. His Mama labored like a champ for about 18 hours. It was not an easy labor, but she handled it with strength and determination. I am so proud of her, she is amazing.

We are back home now and couldn't be happier. Our family and friends have been as generous as ever, stopping by to bring us some delicious meals. We're adjusting to the sleepless nights that come with a newborn, but it's all been worth it. We have our son, and he is so cool.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Any day now...

I painted some owls in Abe's bedroom.

At our doctor's appointment on Tuesday (01/12) our doctor said it looked like Carrie might have the baby this week. I certainly hope so. We're not actually due for another week or so, but he seems just about ready to make his big debut. Keep checking back here for updates.