Friday, December 25, 2009

30 Days till due

Happy Holidays! Today is Christmas which means by this time next month, we could possibly have a baby on our hands. As you can tell from the photo above, that kid is about to out grow his current residence and will need a bigger room soon. Luckily, I started the mural in his nursery today, and his Mama finished sewing his crib skirt (that's for cribs, not for babies).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Dudesy

What can I say? Best baby shirt* ever. Period. A special shout out to Abe's amazing Aunt Yolonda for the future Hinkle heirloom pictured above. We actually owe a lot of thank yous right now to a lot of people. Amy and Jeanne hosted a baby shower last weekend and our family and friends went completely overboard with gifts for Abe. Our best pals Chris and Sue up north have also been sending cool books and clothes for our boy.
*Yes, I know it's actually called a onesie.
But that sounds very un-Dude.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

53 Days

Dignan feels his little brother's kicks for the first time.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

30 Weeks

Seventy days until Abe's due date. It's hard to believe we are 10 weeks away from the big day. All of our appointments, meetings and and classes are starting to stack up. Tomorrow is our consultation with a pediatrician, and in a couple of weeks we'll start our birthing classes. As you can see, Abe is growing at a good pace. His squirming and kicking can now be seen as well as felt. How bizarre it is to see Carrie's belly expand and contort as the youngster does his exercise routine inside.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Babies as obscure vegetables

We get a weekly email that tells us a little about the typical developmental process of the baby in Carrie's belly area. This week it says he's the size of a butternut squash. I've had them in soup, but it's not often that I see one in it's original state. So for educational purposes I have included a photo of a butternut squash. It's the thing on the right. Last week he was a Chinese cabbage. I had to look that up too.

Monday, November 2, 2009

28 Weeks Later

So I finally got the Mama to let me take a picture of her belly, which she promised to do weeks ago. Look at that! The boy is getting big. Of course she had to change outfits halfway through the "photo shoot" and yet she still wanted me to delete all of the pictures. We spent the last few days working on Abe's room... new ceiling fan, put together the rocker and bought a changing table/dresser on Craig's List.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ninety-seven days to go.

In about 3 months from now, our son Abraham will be born. We're creating this blog so friends and family can keep track of us. If I were you, I'd pay close attention because it's bound to be pretty entertaining.